Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Open letter to my dogs...

My Dearest Genga-

You have only been in our lives for 5 months now, but it feels like you have been with us forever.  I never thought I would care for a dog so much after Bailey (the best Black Lab you never got to meet) but you have proved that wrong...no disrespect my sweet Bailey boy, but I have been blessed with two amazing dogs in my lifetime now.  You are sweet, loving, always happy to see me and quite honestly...you crack my ass up.  I appreciate how you let Caroline dress you like a drag queen and I appreciate you letting her jump, poke and chase you.  I am glad you didn't "make the cut" with your last gig as I would be so sad knowing how great you are and not have had you.  I feel safe when you are around and I know--even though you are a softie--you would totally kick ass in the event we needed you to.  I look forward to the days where you will stop your full-on-mortal-combat hugs as I am not going anywhere and I am always happy to see you too.  Seriously, you are too damn big to tackle me any more---dude, you can tone it down a notch.  I am glad you now feel at ease enough where you can snuggle and not wrestle when it is sleepy time and thanks for nipping the snoring.  Thanks for being the dog who was housebroken on day #2 and waking me up when it is time to go out...even if it is at 2 and 3am, I appreciate it.  I look forward to Caroline growing up with you and look forward to you guarding the new baby as well. 

Mommy loves you.

My Dearest Pam,

Please stop pissing on the floor.

Love, mommy

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