Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nights like these...

After thinking Caroline was going to have a hard time bouncing back from what was a really bad day, yesterday turned out to be epic for us.  Yes, I said it...EPIC!  Caroline showed her tail in class, I got "the" call, and was able to talk to her and see if I could help her get it together.  Well, little one apparently listened, took it down a notch, and was able to salvage the rest of the day ending it on a good note.  I got a sweet follow-up email from her teachers and was looking forward to picking her up as soon as I could after work.  We talked in the car - and more at home- and she was honest with telling me why she was having a bad day and we got through it.  I told her while it was wrong that she acted ugly to her teachers and classmates, we were all guilty of having bad days and as long as we apologize to those we hurt, and work to correct the bad behavior, life will still go on--ok, our talk was better than that, but you get the gist of it.  We made a pinky promise and moved on to having some fun family time.  We started out taking care of the critters.  Caroline is a good little farm girl and a big help.  She let Genga out of her pen and helped fill the feed bucket for the rest of the crew.   The entire time it was "yes, mam" this and yes, m'am that.  She was OVERLY sweet (made me a little suspicious at times) and even threw the hay out to the horses.  She watered all of the plants and wrapped up the hose on her own. We played on the swingset and sang the silly-poo-poo-swinging songs that we like to sing, and just had fun.  After a while it was time to make dinner and she asked if could help.  Ok, strike that...she TOLD me she was good and would help me.  I told her that was perfect as I was not that good, so we agreed to tag team the meal (she did say, "mommy you are good, but you just need my help").  I have NEVER had as much fun putting together a meal as I did last night.  Caroline picked out aprons for us and the ingredients for our beef and veggie stew.  She was a ROCK STAR!  She opened all of the cans, poured all of the items in the pot, sirred it up and talked the entire time.  We had some music in the background and little bit was shaking her hiney the whole time too.  We laughed, danced and chatted.  It is a moment and memory that is forever burned in my mind.  I didn't cry, but I smiled and got excited knowing that it was a moment I will look back on for years to come and be able to remember what we were cooking, wearing and laughing about.  I want more nights like this with her and her soon-to-be little sister. 

While dinner cooked, she asked...yes, the 5-year old ASKED me...if she could help me clean the house.  So we swept the floors and scrubbed the "Genga can poop out of her mouth" spots in the rug while the stew...well, stewed on the stove.  She pushed the buttons on the washing machine- her "favorite" part- and fed the dogs.  She was delightful and super helpful in a genuinely kind way.  We never turned the TV on last night---something that will be happening a lot more from here on--and just listened to music, sat and talked and of course ate our yummy dinner.  And yes, dinner was GOOD!  I cannot believe at my age that it was the first time I really attempted to make a stew, but we are a good team and it would not have worked had Caroline not been involved.  Gigi stopped by so we had some sweet grammy time too. 

From there on, our night just kept getting better.  We read a book about being a big sibling and talked about the new baby.  I think my child (of course I am partial) is wise beyond her years, but we had a very "grown-up" talk about the baby.  When I asked her if she wanted to tell me how she was really feeling, she looked at me and said "well, mommy...I am scared."  She told me she was scared about me going in the hospital and she was scared about having to share, but was still excited about being a big sister.  I asked her if I could share something with her too...and told her that I was scared also.  The "you are???" reaction was priceless, but I told her that mommies got scared too and that I worried I wouldn't be able to "keep it all together" to which she replied with "yes you are my mommy and I will help you, ok?"  We did our secret handshake and prepped for bed.  We read more, talked more...had one last dance-party-session and she went to sleep like an angel. 

I have been a parent for a little over 5-years now, but last night I felt like a "real" parent.   Not sure if that makes sense, but it was just a wonderful feeling.  I love that little monkey with all of my heart.  In the good times and bad, she will always be my favorite person on this planet.  She makes me laugh til my belly hurts and makes me cry at times too, but she is my partner in crime and I would be so very jealous if she was someone else's child.  If Samantha (new bambino arriving soon) is half as sassy and fabulous as Caroline is, I will be beyond lucky to be the mom of the most kick-ass daughters on the planet. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Apparently, this is the week (and its only Wednesday) that is supplying me with enough material to blog like I should.  Here are just a few items to mention, that I may just have to tackle with my opinons...

1. The dreaded phone call from school today about Caroline showing out.  First of all, I had NO idea they had phones in the classroom and yes, I got to talk to her and all I can say is "poor little monkey"

2. Genga can apparently shit through her mouth

3. Dance party (Knight household style) was in full effect last night with some wicked interpretive dance moves

4. The handicap-parking spot abuser was spotted once again in violation of the law!!!

5. Old people with kick-ass bumper stickers

6. Drive-through divas

7. And, Snooki is pregnant...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letter to my sweet Caroline...

Sometimes Caroline (my sweet and sassy 5 year old) and I have very “in depth” conversations about life.  The other evening she mentioned that her boyfriend wasn’t at the Y because he had to go to the dentist. This led to a very interesting conversation about boys needing to have nice teeth if they are to have girlfriends.  This also led to me discussing with Caroline some other important aspects/traits for what she needed to consider in a future partner.  I have decided to do an “open letter” so to speak for my darling sassy-pants.

My Dearest Monkey Butt,
As we discussed the other night about boys, I want you to be aware of a few other things you should consider when finding a mate.  In no particular order, here are a few points to ponder…
1-  Teeth.  Obvious due to our conversation the other night, I agree that this is el numero uno on the list.  If a boy can’t take care of his teeth, he probably can’t/won’t take care of you like you deserve.  So, if he doesn’t brush, tell him to hush.
2-  Mode of transportation.  If a young man drives a vehicle that requires you to “climb” into it…run like the wind.  Yes, we live in the south and “big” trucks are all the rage, but if he is willing to spend more on the tires/lift kit of what the true price of the vehicle they are modified on is….well then, his priorities are not going to be you.  Remember, “that dog won’t hunt.”
3-  Pets.  If he has a truck (with an appropriate height for you to enter) and he lets his dog (or yours) ride in the cab of the truck—not the bed of the truck- he may be a keeper.  Again, I know this is the land of the hunter, but if he is going to tie a dog to a metal box, in a truck, that will be cruising at more than “slow” speeds, you may want to consider how you fall into this priority of treatment.
4-  Dirty hands.  While he should wash them before he touches you (reminder…he will NOT be touching you), eats his food, or shakes your parents hands, dirty hands are a sign of hard work and I can respect that. 
Sidebar: if he works a “desk” job and his hands are always funky, well….girlie, you know what to do.
5-  Parents. Just remember we are your parents.  We have learned from our own trials and tribulations so when we give you advice, please do not think we are total dumbasses as we are not…we just do not want you to learn the hard way, like we had to at times if we can help it.
6-  Job.  I am not for judging a man by his income, but remember to judge him by his work ethic.  A hard worker is hard to find nowadays, so if he is willing to work hard to provide, I support.  Now, if he works “hard” at being a titty-club promoter, well, yea…he isn’t the one.
7-  Be judgmental.  Yes, you heard me.  Own it…I do!  I do tell you not to judge…and I believe that.  Now here comes the part where you will say “mom is a big hypocrite, or is losing her mind.”  I do not want you to judge others based on what you perceive or do not know, but if you KNOW the truth and it is backed by law-proven fact….feel free to not feel guilty for being judgmental.  I do not know how else to word it, but I will be lying if I tell you it is not how I see things at times. 
8-  Laughter.  As funny as you are, he should be funny as well.  While you may not want to have dueling comedians in the house, you do want someone who understands and appreciates your wicked sense of humor.  If he cannot laugh with you, or make you laugh, please factor this in to the overall vote.  Now, if he laughs when small children or the elderly fall in public, well….he is an ass.  If he laughs when this population farts in public, then he will fit in to our crew just fine.
9-  Reliability.  Like a good fitting bra, your partner should be supportive and reliable.  If you need him and call him, he needs to answer his phone. Especially if you are in a time of need that he is well aware of.   He also should be able to assist you when you need him.  Now, you do not need to rely on anyone to do anything for you—you will not be raised like that- but although you can do things (use tools, change tires, operate heavy machinery –yes, these are things you will be able to do) doesn’t mean you HAVE to do them all of the time.  If you are out, and get a flat tire, he should be able to change it.  Although you know how, he needs to do it.  Now, if he “lets” you change it, go ahead…and then drive him to the nearest playground and drop his wussy ass off to go play on the swings with the other babies.
10- Finally…follow your heart, but don’t be blinded by the BS.  You will know a good man when you meet one.  The best part is (and ok, this is not really the “best” part because it pulls in how you learn about it) that you will also know the crappy ones, so when a good one comes around you will have a better understanding on how things should be. 

I love you with all of my heart and only want the best for you.  Also remember, that I have lovely friends who work for the prison system, I am Italian,  your grandfather is a former Special Forces maniac, your father shot his own toe off, and well…I am not scared to take a man down if I have to.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Knight critter update...

Although they are family, I think they deserve their own post today.  We haven't had too many crazy animal antics happen recently, so lets just go with a general update.

Ahhh, my beautiful sweet furry children...

Well, Pam is doing well actually.  We have a pretty good evening strategy that has her only tinkling on the brilliantly placed puppy pads, so we have outsmarted her for now.  She is super sweet and has been very maternal towards me.  She has had babies before, so I feel as though she "knows" and is somewhat sympatico with me being preggers.

Genga... ahhh, my sweet, brilliant Genga.  I really think I am going in labor soon as Genga is more under my feet than usual--seriously, she literally stands/sits where I am working in and around the house.  At the sink, she will not budge and I will have to reach over her to get to it . Can I add it is very hard to handle cooking dinner with a large GSD in your way?  At night she wakes up and walks me to the bathroom everytime I get up....she sits and stares at me, and let's just say at 3am with a large puppy staring you down, it is just odd.  She pats her paw on my side of the bed and will place her head just so that when I open my eyes (if not already having gone to the bathroom) I pee my pants.  Again, a set of large dog eyes (although beautiful and loving) 6 inches from the face in the middle of the night can be alarming---I generally know she is there, because she is blowing her hot nostril air straight up my own nose.  She "talks" to me more than she used to and is just more "into" me, if that makes sense.  She has stopped jumping up on me so I do not get any more bear hugs---yes, I actually miss those full on, mortal-combat-styled hugs-- and is just great...but I think she knows something is coming up soon.  She has also learned a valuable lesson and has not been near the road since the "incident" back in January, and she being VERY sweet to where daddy (God love him) hasn't given me a hard time about her pretty much being inside 24/7...and let's be honest, she is in ALL of the time.   :)

For the record (and my defense) I feel safe with her in the house especially with Jay's hours and with the fact I am 9 months pregnant.

The horses, well...still fabulous as ever. I owe them some more TLC, but they seem pleased with the massive amount of feed, hay and snacks they get that they really do not seem to mind I haven't pulled their manes in 4 months.

The chickens, well. they are MASS producers of eggs and it is out of control.  We planned to get more this spring, but not sure yet...although, crap, I should admit, I will get more when they arrive at the feed store in the next few weeks as I am a sucker. 

Caroline wants a duck, so we may just try to pull that addition off as well.  We--ok, when I say "we" in reference to animals, everyone should know that I mean me and Caroline (and baby gets a vote in our favor too)- also want a mini-horse added to our family as well.  I thought (in my mind, it is brillant strategy) that getting a mini-horse would remind Jay that the large GSD in the house is nothing.  Because I mean, c'mon a true mini-horse will be too small to stay out at night, right? 

Listen, I watch Tori & Dean....they have a pig in a Beverly Hills mansion.  So, what is wrong with a mini-horse in a Thomasville, cottage?  EXACTLY...nothing wrong with that one! (if you disagreed with that last sentence, well then, please, just stop reading my blog) 

Knight family update

I haven't blogged in a while--it has been INSANELY crazy for this second time mommy-to-be - but we are closing in on our due date and I wanted to get something new on here to check in and update the small amount of you who check in :). 

So, lots of things have been happening.  I am partially packed for the hospital - baby's bag is packed, mommy's is a work in progress- the nursery is ALL set (woohoo!) and well, the big sister to be is still sassy as ever.  We are sporting a brand new car seat and it is just waiting for a sweet little girl to occupy it soon.  Speaking of soon....we are right at 2 weeks until our scheduled due date.  I was hoping she would come a little early, and by little early, I think I mean...ok, NOW!  I have loved being pregnant.  Although we have had some epic fails, we have been blessed with 2 picture perfect pregnancies....I guess it is a trade off for loss. I am beyond grateful for the second opportunity to bring that new life into the world.  I am grateful that sweet sassy pants Caroline will be a big sister soon, and I am grateful to feel that sweet healthy baby kick the stew out of my insides on a daily basis.  With that said, I would love for her to c'mon already.  I am ready to see her, hold her, thank her and know that she is okay.  If I can throw in some selfish reasons too, let me add.... I am ready to be able to walk without taking a step where I feel like I am about to hit the ground.  I am ready to be able to bend over again and see my feet (vain, but true).  I am ready to be able to not have to get up 5 times a night to pee....and yes, I know I will be getting up that many times with the new one, but that is a different reason all together.  I am ready to be a family of 4...yes, 4!!!  I am just ready.  Am I scared...well, @^&* yea I am.  I am scared that I will not be able to pull this all off.  I am scared that labor and delivery will not go how I hope.  I am scared that my drugs will "not work" as they didn't last time (yes, that one is selfish, but for the hurts like a you-know-what) and I am scared that I will not be able to juggle handling two children, a family and a career.  I know it will all work out, I know I can do it (and kick ass at it) yet, it is still very overwhelming at times. 

But, I am ready to face it head on and be able to say "my girls"--I love that...."GIRLS!"