Monday, February 13, 2012

More breeders...wait, Whitney passed away

So, I felt myself getting a little fired up last week hearing that TLC was introducing another show about a family with 19+ children.  Please note that I am not trying to bash those with high levels of fertility- as one who has struggled with it, I don't want to mess with karma like that- but I really have an issue with glamorizing this topic.  I used to like TLC...really, I did.  But now, they are a network that focuses on obsessive couponing -yep, congrats on getting that pasta for $.05 a box, but what the @#(* are you going to do with 200 boxes of it??? - and little girls dressed like barbie dolls thanks to Toddlers and Tiaras.  They throw in a show glamorizing those with mental issues who hoard all of their belongings and then they highlight those who apparently hoard children.  I have issue with this...when is enough, enough?  And right as I was about to blow out this breeder-blog, it happened...the death of a celebrity took over all of the news in the world.  So, here I go...

First and foremost I want to state that I am not trying to come across as heartless.  I am fully aware that a child has lost her mother and that is very sad. It is sad that someone has lost their life due to poor decisions made and probably very non-intentional actions that night.  With that said, I do have issue with this taking over headline news.  Whitney Houston's death is as "tragic" to me as was Michael Jackson's-- and that is not very. There are more important issues going on in the world--does anyone take the time to remember all of our servicemen (and women) who are fighting for our country, or the police officers and teachers getting paid next to nothing for jobs most people just bitch about and are not ballsy enough to take on themselves???  These were two individuals who were blessed beyond words with a talent that provided them, and their families, with access to anything they could have ever wanted.  And in the end, they were addicts and continued on the path of self-destruction.  Trust me, before anyone tells me that I am being close-minded, please note that I am fully aware of the disease and have had drug addiction affect my family and loved I am not talking about turf I had never had to play on.  The problem I have is why is this news so "shocking" and "tragic" to the public?   It was not tragic--it was freaking stupid.  It was not shocking--it was coming.  When someone abuses their bodies for so long with non-natural substances like drugs, how can others be so damned surprised they "went too soon?"  Again, not being a bitch, just being a realist.  I remember a woman at work who was distraught over the death of Michael Jackson---really, are you kidding me that the news of his death affected your ability to work?  Did you know him?  Did you exchange Christmas cards every year? Did he eat Sunday suppers with you?  No---you listened to his music, watched his transformation to a white man and excessive plastic surgeries, his glamorized trials of scandal and such, and for are grieving?    I guess I am turning bitter- strike that, have been bitter- but I just cannot sympathize with others on this one.  Did anyone who is mouring the loss of Ms. Houston, mourn the loss of a drug addict in their city who didn't make the news?  Probably not, because, well that just doesn't make the news.  Making the news versus not making the news is the only different though--they were still addicts.  While anyone reading this may think "dang, she is a cold-hearted bitch" please note that I just might be when it comes to this topic.  I know people struggle and I know there are illnesses out there that contribute, but I also know that you are only given one life and one body and YOU are responsible for that and need to be strong to overcome the crap in your life.  I have made stupid mistakes in the past, but I also have a famliy and loved ones that I want to live for.  I do not have millions in the bank to support my f-ups so there are choices in life I have to take.  I am sorry these people couldn't overcome their demons, but to glamorize it in the news makes me nauseous.  I am sorry however for the loved ones she left as they have to deal with her leaving this planet the way she did.  I cannot help but think they have anger in them as well, but it is not fair for me to judge...although, lets be honest I am judging.  Sorry to those whose lives are affected by this and who are so distraught, but do not come cry on my shoulder.  I will hand you a tissue, but you will not want me to open my mouth.  While someone is probably thinking "well, if that was her loved one, she wouldn't see it that way.."  You know--I so freaking would.  Of course I would be sad, but I would also be so pissed off that the someone I cared for was dumb enough to throw away so much for a stupid ass choice.  And yes, even with the disease of addiction, there is still a choice.  I wish those would be strong enough to fight it as opposed to gambling everyday with all that they have, but I cannot mourn this.

So, shall we talk about the 19+ kids now, or what?


  1. A-FREAKING-MEN!!!!! I have seen someone very close to me deal with addicts in their daily life and it pisses me off to no end that they continue to allow them to do it because they keep giving in.

    1. Thank you. I know that I have probably offended several, but it is how I feel. I do not have issue with the addicts themselves- I know people struggle- but, with that said, I also know that people (addicts or not) have choices and I just do not like the glamorizing of such.
