Monday, December 12, 2011

And this is why it's named Funny Farm...

Well, I go over a week without posting and then you get a two-in-one for sharing from me today.  So, tonight just confirmed why I called this blog the "funny farm" - lord help us.  

We have a nice size flock of chickens - AKA the "feathered beasts"- that we tend to daily.  We have been fortunate enough to have some generous egg-layers are we are getting 1 1/2- 2 dozen eggs...a day.  I like eggs, but there is only so many one can use in a day.  Anywho, tonight Caroline and I go to "feed up" and hit the coop after the horses have been taken care of.  Since it rained this morning, the beasts are hungry (their snacks got wet) and are being very vocal indicating they are glad to see us.  The hens are getting more protective of their eggs and now try to get involved when we go to collect (had one fly up on my shoulder one day- Caroline thought it was cool the hen did it, I thought the bitch was trying to peck out my eyeball).  We had to reload all the feeders and swap out some lights, so Caroline was helping "distract" the critters while I did this.  I asked her to keep them occupied while I got the eggs and she gladly agreed.  Next thing I know I hear her start with "hey, why did one of you cross the road?"  That was then followed with "what do you get when you cross a chicken....." I turned and asked "what are you doing?" when she replied with "tell jokes, mommy---you told me to keep them distracted, right?"  She had a point, but I had no idea she would bust out with the Caroline Chicken Comedy hour. 

So, all eggs (tonight about 20+) were collected and the ladies didn't seem to notice.  We head to the barn to close up and I realize my egg basket is inside the house (we used the horse's feed bucket to get them right out of the coop).  Not wanting to take their bucket to the house, I think "hmmm...I bet we can get ALL of the eggs in our pockets."  So, we load up (Caroline has about 5 on her) and I have the rest...crammed in pockets and my hands are full.  The only thing I forgot to consider was how happy my sweet German Shepherd is to greet us as we leave the barn.  Yes, you guessed it. Before I could do anything, sweet Genga is barreling at me and prepared to launch into the famous bear-hug she gives so well.  So, it happened- her paws and massive body weight landing all right my pockets.  I do my best to get her to stop, but remember...ahh yes, my hands are full and for some reason I just feel I cannot sacrifice the eggs in my hands.  So, Caroline calls Genga's name- only to fall victim to the hug as well.  Caroline didn't pan out so well either...she went all the way down to the ground.  The good news is that she laughed the entire time and she did the "stop, drop, save-your-egg-roll" and didn't end up as slimmed as I did. 

We tried to compose ourselves and struggled as we laughed all the way to the door.  We assessed the damage and actually were able to save some of the eggs.  I am now doing an extra load of laundry and Caroline is still talking about it.  

And so, this is why my place is truly a funny farm.

Nighty, night!

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