Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Random- one of my "lists"

Do you have those "lists" in your head that come to light every now and then?  You know, ones like: "top 10 people I would like to meet before I die" or "people I would have dinner with" and so on.  Well, driving home last night, I heard a song that reminded me of one of my own "lists". 

10 people (in no particular order, or ranking) who I want to have a beer with one day: 

1- Toby Keith
2- Trace Atkins
3- Paula Deen (I want to drink beer and eat something with a stick of butter as the main ingredient with her)
4- Tony Stewart
5- Collin Firth
6- Pink
7- Tommy Lee Jones
8- Al Pacino
9- Bradley Cooper
10- Andy Cohen from Bravo

I should add that I do not need to limit this to just drinking beer--these are people I would like to sit with and drink.  Hear their stories, shoot the breeze and gaze at....ok, that was directed at #9.  Now, I said no rank, but that might be a little fib.  Toby Keith is on the top of this list and has been for years.  I want to drink all-American brew with him, talk about the military, go thank soldiers (if my dad drank, he would be doing shots with us...but he will be at the table telling stories for sure) and run around with an American flag tied to my back or something. There is something about him that I like and just think is bad ass-- and I want to do shots of whiskey with the man.  Now, there are more people on my list, but they are not famous (per hollywood standards, but to me they are celebrities in their own right) yet they are just my fabulous friends who are a hoot to hang with- when I can drink. :)


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