Monday, December 12, 2011

Catch up...

I haven't posted anything in a while and that is because we have been slammed!  Work going great, but we are at our peak time so it is 90-nothing day in, day out.  I love what I do, but it is making the days fly by and tis the season for already being short on time.  Then you have the upcoming holiday...really, how much shopping have I and done and how prepared is Santa?  I have got to step it up and make some magic happen so I do not disappoint anyone.  Also, I had a full-load in grad courses this term.  I would like to report that I earned 100% on both of my big-ass term paper/projects and I cannot believe it. I put forth the effort, but of course it wasn't until the 9th inning and I am just so glad I work well under pressure. I busted out my last two finals Friday night and called it a wrap.

Oh, yea, let's go ahead and throw in that I am also 6 months pregnant.  I am so excited, but I am getting big and physically I truly, badly, deeply (my ode to that 90s band) hurt.  With no disrespect to anyone who carries a large amount of weight, but do they do it?   Every joint hurts, my legs are killing me and when I squatted (mistake #1) down at the store the other day to pick something up--crap, I could barely "pop" back up.  I have been blessed with decent weight gain during this pregnancy--and I am trying to stay active--but I just feel large and not so in charge. 

Speaking of being active.  When does it seem right to say "hey, let's go rake 1.5 acres of pinestraw and re-do the barn this weekend" at 6months pregnant?  Let me tell you...not this past weekend.  Caroline and I started by just feeding the critters and moving some hay.  Well, that led to sweeping out the barn (ok, I had a leaf blower) and moving all the feed--the first "not so smart" physical move of the day.  Technically, I didn't "lift" each 50lb bag, but I did move them so I am sure my doctor would kill me if he knew.  I dislike when people think that because you are pregnant you cannot do anything.  I know I should be resting more and not do so much strenuous work, but in the same since I also do not think it is an excuse to lay around and eat for 9months.  I want to be active and stay active....but may break up with the farm work soon. The yard work may take a side road as well--seriously, I didn't realize we had so many f#^&(@# pinetrees on our property.  For the record, my barn and yard look like the bomb and as long as no giant windstorms hit and ruin all of my hard work. 

Well, I did get a few other accomplishments done.  I finally got our Christmas cards done--can I get a Whoop Whoop?  Yes, last year we didn't do them (due to a tragic turn of events where it just became unimportant) so this year, I made sure to finish those bad boys.  I will say I hope our family and friends do not laugh too hard when they see them- let's just say, the furry children make the several pics.  Hey, if I could have gotten the chickens to pose, they SO would have been included too.

Well, back to work and then I gotta do, do, and do some more.  Those cards won't mail themselves you know. :)


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