Thursday, June 21, 2012

You are wise, Grasshoppa...

I really thought I was going to be better and have more posts, but, well, things have been interesting to say the least.  I will not bore you all with certain topics that make the last little non-grey hairs on my head, turn, but let's just say that regardless with what happens in life, there is a plan.  I like to think I should have better control over certain things in my life, but I also realize that sometimes lack of control gets you to where you need to can just be one hell of a ride on the way.

Ok, enough of that crap, let's get to the good kids kick ass! Caroline has advanced from her white belt to her yellow-striped belt (yes, insert your 'oohs' and 'ahhs' here).  She did her test and knocked it out of the ballpark.  I know I am partial, but girlie-girl was all serious, super focused and had 'Chinese' hair working in her favor.  Ok, the 'hair'- we have been growing out her bangs and they are now long enough to be pulled back with her pony tails.  With that said, she does not sit still so by days end they are usually in her face again.  I didn't want her to have to push her hair back during her testing, so we put it in a high ponytail so those little buggars would stay put.  As I was twirling her pony tail to get the static out, I started to 'wrap' it to see if she wanted to wear it in a bun.  Well, she did...and freaked out over the new do.  We get to the car to head on and she says "Mommy, I am going to do really good you know why, well I have 'Chinese' hair now!"  It took all I had to keep it together, but she was officially in the zone.  She walked tall, she bowed like Daniel-san and controlled herself like Bruce Lee.  She made me proud (for the record, I would have been proud if she went up and farted on cue) and she made herself proud as well.  The awards ceremony was last night and she got her new belt...and icecream maker (long story).  Here is a little photo of the proud tiger-cub.

Now, I mentioned my 'kids' kick ass, so let's not forget sweet baby Samantha.  She is doing fabulous and besides a case of cradle cap- or as Caroline says 'cradle crap'- she is one super happy baby.  She is smiling, cooing, and growing like a weed.  I still find myself asking 'how?' as in "how did I get so lucky to be blessed with two perfect children?"  Maybe I am not the synical, stubborn, catty ass I think I am and maybe, just maybe, the big man apreciates my sense of humor (which can get confused for said traits noted previously).

Well, I have a lot to look forward to this week.  We are going to make icecream to celebrate Caroline's new accomplishment.  We are going to go plant-ass-crazy and replace the folliage that Jay so kindly fried with his 'fertilizer' and we are going to celebrate the birthday of one of the coolest  (she kicks ass and is quite amazing) women I know and have a blast.  So, family time, great friends time, and well...cocktails, and you can paint this chick happy.


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