Sunday, May 20, 2012

Karate Kid

Caroline is an awesome child whom I adore and love more than life itself.  She makes me happy, grey-haired, and keeps me laughing all of the time- she truly is FUNNY as all get out.  While I laugh with her daily, recently I was given even more reasons for belly aches.

There is a relatively new tae kwon do center near our home and Caroline started inquiring about classes. I am not one to sign her up for everything she asks for the first time around -if I was like that, she would already be partaking in aligator wrestling, clown college, monkey training and getting certified to be a commercial fisherman- but, Miss Sassy Pants asked about 100 times so we stopped by. We thought karate would be good for her as it would teach her self-control and discipline- both things that would be greatly appreciated by all- twenty minutes later she had a new shirt and three 'trial' classes to see if she liked it. I figured it was the best $20 I spent that week.  We go to the first class and I only wish the instructors informed me to wear a diaper.  Caroline was ready to break a board and karate chop a brother.  She did very well, and after saying 'Yes Sir!' 50+ times she was psyched for this new adventure.  I knew she loved it (and that it sunk in) when on the way home I asked if she wanted to go back for another class.  She replied "MA'AM, YES MA'AM!"  I wasn't sure if she thought she was in TKD or the army, but I was basking in it. 

Three classes passed and she became officially enrolled in their program.  I must thank her grandparents as they are helping with this, as they are beyond supportive- and have always been too good to us.  Caroline can go as many times a week as she wants and besides the big part of it, they also take her to the classes that conflict with our work schedules.  Luckily, the center realizes that some mommies have to work, so there are 3 classes we can make it to with that!  Her manners have improved and she seems to be paying better attention to things.  She hasn't lost her sense of humor in class though...that just wouldn't be my daughter and I think I would cancel if she started to lose her personality.   I am that mom who sits to the side and who laughs(out loud) throughout the entire class. With that said, I think I have found a new mommy-friend to make.  Another little girl recently started, and her mom and I sat by each other during a class.  She laughed the entire time through and shed tears...yep, that is my kind of mommy-friend.  So, we both sit and laugh at our children and each others, and I think we will get along just fine. Luckily, the other parents do not seem too serious at this stage that I can tell, but we shall see.  Lots of giggles, snickers and belly laughs so they have to be great peeps, right?

I hope to share photos soon, but I am usually laughing to hard to hold the camera steady.  With that said, the Funky Monkey has a pretty darn good kick and her 'chop' is improving. 

Following up with another 'with that said' I think all of the men in the family will be getting a protective cup for Christmas.


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